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INSAT-3DS is identical to INSAT-3D in terms of Sensors and products. 

INSAT or the Indian National Satellite System is a series of multipurpose Geo-stationary satellites launched by ISRO to satisfy the telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology, and search and rescue needs of India. Commissioned in 1983, INSAT is the largest domestic communication system in the Asia Pacific Region. The satellite is monitored and controlled by Master Control Facilities that exist in Hassan and Bhopal. INSAT-3DS is a multipurpose geosynchronous spacecraft with main meteorological payloads (imager and sounder). The main objectives for this mission are to provide an operational, environmental and storm warning system to protect life and property. INSAT3S is monitoring the earth’s surface, oceanic observations and also provide data dissemination capabilities. It provides Broadcast Satellite Services (BSS) through two S-band transponders. The data acquisition and processing system is established at Space Applications Centre, Bopal Campus, Ahmedabad, India. The processing of INSAT-3DS data is taken place broadly in four steps. 

  1. Ground receiving system to receive data
  2. Data Reception (DR) system to generate raw data (L0) files
  3. Data Processing (DP) system to process L0 data and produce L1B data files (Calibrated and Geo located)
  4. Product generation and Dissemination system