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Wave based Renewable Energy

Renewable energy
AWARE demonstrates potential renewable energy resource available from ocean waves over Indian Ocean region. The product is based on observations of the recent altimeters Jason-2 (2008-2014) and SARAL/Altika (2013-2014). It is particularly helpful in identification of ocean hotspots for extraction of ocean wave energy, that can be the next generation, environment friendly energy resource.It provides two types of products: Inter-annual monthly product from Jason-2 and SARAL/ALTIKA, Monthly climatology of ocean wave energy.


Data Access

Click Here to access the Science Products . Request to use MOSDAC Single Sign On user credentials to download the data.

Data Version

  • Version 1.0 (beta)

Data Sources

  1. The significant wave height (SWH) and wind speed for both the altimeters are taken from
    1. Jason-2 (

Processing Steps

    1. Using Significant Wave Height (SWH) and wind speed, the wave period is derived based on the data adaptive technique of " Genetic Algorithm " (Remya et al. 2011)

    1. Wave period hence derived is validated using buoy observations from Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)

  1. Wave power is derived based on SWH and estimated wave period


  1. R. Govindan, R. Kumar, S. Basu and A. Sarkar. " Altimeter-Derived Ocean Wave Period Using Genetic Algorithm, " IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett.,VOL 8.NO. 2,pp. 354 - 358, March 2011
  2. A. Alvarez, A.Orfila , J.Tintore, " DARWIN: An evolutionary program for nonlinear modeling of chaotic time series, " Computer Physics Communications 136, pp.334- 349 2001
  3. A. Soni, " Application of SARAL/AltiKa in extraction of wave power over Indian Ocean Region, " M. Tech Dissertation, Department of Computer Sciences, Ganpat University, Gujarat, March 2015

Derivation Techniques and Algorithm

  • The wave power (P) is mathematically derived as
  • Sample image
  • Where
    1. P is Wave power per unit of wave-crest length (in Kilowatt/m)
    2. R represents the satellite range
    3. Hm0 is the significant wave height (in meters)
    4. T is wave period (in seconds)
    5. ρ is the density of water (in kilogram/cubic meter)
    6. g is the acceleration due to gravity (in meters/square seconds)


  • The products have gaps as they are based purely on track altimeters data.

Known problems with data

  • Data problems due to bad weather (heavy rain)

File Naming Convention

    • For inter-annual monthly product from Jason-2 and SARAL/ALTIKA
      • Parametername_Altimetername_month_year
      • Example:  WE_SARL_JUL_2009 represents the wave energy from SARAL/Altika during July 2009.
  • For Monthly climatology of ocean wave energy
    • Parametername_CLIM_month_start year-end year
    • Example:  WE_CLIM_JUL_2008-2014 represents the wave energy climatology during July 2008-2014.


Sr. No Core Metadata Elements Definition
1 Metadata language English
2 Metadata Contact MOSDAC
3 Metadata date August 3rd ,2015
4 Data Lineage Wave power in Kilowatt/meter from Altimeters over Indian Ocean Region
5 Title Altimeters for Wave based Renewable Energy (AWARE)
6 Abstract The wave power is computed from the altimeters (Jason-2 and SARAL/AltiKa) for a period of 2008-2014 at a monthly basis for individual years. Climatology is also prepared in this regard for the Indian Ocean Region.
7 Dataset Contact
Dr Suchandra A. Bhowmick,Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad-380058,INDIA


8 Update frequency Yearly Once
9 Access Rights or Restriction Open Access
10 Spatial Resolution NA
11 Language English
12 Topic Category Water power estimates
13 Keywords Wave power, non-conventional energy, wave period and Significant Wave Height
14 Data period 2008-2014
15 Responsible Party Dr. Suchandra A. Bhowmick,Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad-380058,INDIA
16 Organization Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad, India
16a Org. role Estimation of non-conventional wave energy using active microwave remote sensing instruments
16b Unit Kilowatt/meter