River heights from satellite altimeters (ENVISAT, Jason-2 and SARAL AltiKa) have been derived at two cross-over points along Godavari River. Subsequently, river height discharge stage relationship between altimetry derived heights and In-situ river discharge has been established. Using this relationship, river discharge database for Godavari River for the period i.e. 2002 - 2015 has been generated.
Data Access
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Data Version
- Version 1.0 (beta)
Data Sources
1. GDR tracked data of ENVISAT and Jason-2 (PISTACH Hydrology) at Yanam (estuarine side) and Bhadrachalam (riverine side) for the entire period of respective missions were obtained from
a. ENVISAT website(http://earth.esa.int/)
b.AVISO website(http://www.avisooceanobs.com)(Jason-2)
2. SARAL/AltiKa data were obtained from MOSDAC website (http://www.mosdac.gov.in)
Processing Steps
- The given range was corrected for
- path delay in the atmosphere through which the radar pulse passes
- the nature of the reflecting sea surface
- All range corrections are added to the range
- Rating curve methodology was developed between Altimeter river height and in-situ river discharge (Rantz et al. 1982).
- Coastal and Hydrology Altimetry product (PISTACH), handbook 2010.
- Frappart, F., S. Calmant, M. Cauhope, F. Seyler, and A. Cazenave (2006), Validation of ENVISAT RA-2 derived water levels over the Amazon Basin, Remote Sens. Environ., 100, 252 - 264, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2005.10.027.
- Rantz, S. E., et al. (1982), Measurement and computation of streamflow: Volume 2. Computation of discharge, Water Supply Paper 2175, U.S. Geol. Surv., pp. 285 - 631.
- Santos da Silva, J., S. Calmant, F. Seyler, O. C. R. Filho, G. Cochonneau, and W. J. Mansur (2010), Water levels in the Amazon basin derived from the ERS 2 and ENVISAT radar altimetry missions, Remote Sens. Environ., 114, 2160?2181, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.04.020.
- SMMR and DMSP SSM/I-SSMIS Passive Microwave Data. [October 1978 to December 2012]. Boulder, Colorado USA: NASA National Snow and Ice Data CentreDistributed Active Archive Centre.
Derivation Techniques and Algorithm
- The observed river height with respect to geoid is given by
- Rh= Hsat-(R+Cw+Cd+Ci+Cst+Cp) (1)
- Where
- Hsat represents the satellite altitude with respect to reference ellipsoid
- R represents the satellite range
- Cw(w for wet tropospheric)and Cd (d for dry tropospheric) are corrections for delayed propagation in the atmosphere
- Ci is the correction delayed propagation through the ionosphere
- Cst and Cp represents the correction for solid and polar tides respectively.
- Based on the availability of the Altimeter dataset over the study region (data gap, altimeter track loss, loss of flooding events, etc.).
Known problems with data
- Data problems due to bad weather (heavy rain)
Related data collections
- Limited daily in-situ river discharge data (2007 - 2012) available along Godavari River were obtained from Dowlaiswaram Dam Authorities, Andhra Pradesh.
- Hourly river heights/water levels were provided by Dr. Prakash Mehra, NIO Radar gauge at Yanam (Godavari Estuary) for the period 2008 - 2010.
File Naming Convention
- Altimetername_derived_water_height_river_discharge_
- Godavari_stationname_starting_date_ending_date
- Envisat_derived_water_height_river_discharge_
- Godavari_Bhadrachalam_Oct2002_Sep2010.txt
Sr. No | Core Metadata Elements | Definition | ||||
1 | Metadata language | English | ||||
2 | Metadata Contact | MOSDAC | ||||
3 | Metadata date | July 20, 2015 | ||||
4 | Data Lineage or Quality | Water height estimation and computation of river discharge over Godavari using radar altimeters | ||||
5 | Title | Satellite Altimetry derived discharge over Godavari River during 2002-2015 | ||||
6 | Abstract | River heights and river discharge have been estimated using ENVISAT and SARAL/AltiKa over two sites and using Jason-2 over one site along Godavari River. The results arevalidated well with the in-situ data. | ||||
7 | Dataset Contact | Dr. Rashmi Sharma OSD/AOSG/EPSA (ISRO), Ahmedabad-380015, India. Ph: +91 79 2691 6044. Email: rashmi@sac.isro.gov.in | ||||
8 | Update frequency | SARAL/AltiKa and ENVISAT are in 35 day and Jason-2 10 day repetition period | ||||
9 | Access Rights or Restriction | Open Access | ||||
10 | Spatial Resolution | NA | ||||
11 | Language | English | ||||
12 | Topic Category | Water height estimation and estimation of river discharge | ||||
13 | Keywords | River, Satellite altimeters, river height, range corrections, rating curve | ||||
14 | Date or period | ENVISAT (June 2002 to September 2010), Jason-2 ( July 2008 to December 2014) and SARAL/AltiKa (March 2013) | ||||
15 | Responsible Party | Dr. Rashmi Sharma OSD/AOSG/EPSA (ISRO), Ahmedabad-380015, India. Ph: +91 79 2691 6044. Email: rashmi@sac.isro.gov.in | ||||
16 | Organization | Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad, India | ||||
16a | Org. role | Estimation of river discharge using Remote sensing techniques | ||||
16b | Vertical Extent (minimumValue, maximumValue, unitOfMeasure, vertical datum) | Unit of measurement = meter for river height and m3/s for river discharge Datum: WGS84 | ||||
17 | Geographic Extent |
18 | Geographic Name, Geographic Identifier | Godavari river | ||||
19 | Bounding box |
20 | Temporal Extent | Time series plot of water heights and river discharge over Godavari river since 2002. | ||||
21 | Access Rights or Restrictions | Open Access | ||||
22 | Distribution Information | Online download in .txt format | ||||
23 | Processing Level | Level 3 (Data product derived from altimeter GDR data) | ||||
24 | Reference System | Datum: WGS84 |