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Frequently Asked Questions

MOSDAC is the short form of Meteorological and Oceanographic Satellite Data Archival Center. It is a ISRO data portal which provides data through its web based service

There is "SignUp" form available on MOSDAC portal. Pl fill up the form and submit. You will be intimated through e-mail about the approval.

Please copy the Email verification Hyperlink sent on your registered email id and paste it in a new browser window/tab and open the link to verify your email address.

Please copy the 'Reset Password Hyperlink' sent on your registered  email id and past it in a new browser window/tab and open the link to reset password.

Your account is locked for one hour after 3 unsuccessful login attempts. Please try after one hour.

Click Forgot Password link on MOSDAC Login Page. Enter username or email. If valid username/email is entered, user will get an email containing 'Reset Password Hyperlink'. please copy 'Reset Password Hyperlink' and paste it in new browser window/tab and open the link and follow the procedure to reset password.

Login with your user name and password. select 'Change Profile'.  Your Profile page will be displayed. Select 'Password' from the left panel of Profile Page. Provide old and new password and click save. Your password will be changed.

Anonymous users (without username and password) can download only open data. In order to download all data from MOSDAC, you need to register on MOSDAC site. There is "SignUp" form available on MOSDAC portal. Pl fill up the form properly and submit. You will be intimated through e-mail about the approval.

If you want near real time data, you can place "standing order" from MOSDAC for Satellite data product/in-situ. Login to MOSDAC site and place standing order. A standing order can be placed for a maximum one month duration. After that you can again place the request. This functionality is available for privileged user only.

You are required to be a registered user for ordering the data. Be a registered user by filling up on-line form. Login to MOSDAC site. Select either "In-situ data order". Select the data of your interest.  Place the order . Sign the agreement. A download link will be provided. After clicking here data will be downloaded on your desk through http.

You are required to be a registered user for ordering the data. Be a registered user by filling up Sing Up form Available on the home page. Login to MOSDAC site with user credentials,  Select  "Satellite data order" . Select the data of your interest.  Add to cart. submit the request. You will be given a request id no. You will be intimated through the mail about readiness of your data. You can also check status of your request from left menu under "My request tab"

Your requested data will be uploaded to your SFTP account at s You can download data from  s using your MOSDAC portal user credentials.

To view availability of data Select "Catalog --> Satellite data" from top menu bar. All data products list of a satellite will be displayed, which contains details of the data products viz: abstract, start date, end date, frequency etc.

Select  "Catalog --> In-situ --> distribution" from top menu bar, AWS distribution map and no. of AWS installed in each state of India will be displayed.

AWS data is available from Jan 2008 till present date.

Select "Catalog --> Satellite data" from top menu bar. All data products list of a satellite will be displayed, which contains details of the data products viz: abstract, start date, end date, frequency etc.

Select "Catalog --> Satellite data" from top menu bar. All data products list of a satellite will be displayed. You can change the satellite to view data products of selected satellite.

Select  "Catalog --> In-situ --> distribution" from top menu bar. All In-situ list will be displayed for which MOSDAC has datasets.

There are two category of users in MOSDAC, NRT users and General users, NRT users have access to real time data. General users are provided access Level-2 and onwards data in NRT and Level-1 data with a latency of 3 days. This message implies that the data product requested by you can't be download in near real time. You can download 3 days old data or you can contact to MOSDAC admin if you want near real time data.