*Data Available from Jan-1993 to Dec-2024
Eddy for more detail:Eddy Detection and Tracking
Developed & Maintained By: DWD/SAC | Overlay Layers Source: NRDB | Ports data source: http://msi.ngs.mil
Credits for following information/layers/data used in this website is dually acknowledged * Bhuvan Layer: NRSC, Hyderabd (www.nrsc.gov.in) * OpenStreetMap: @OpenStreetMap Contributors (www.openstreetmap.org/copyright) * Satellite Data Layers : Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) * True Marble: Unearthed Outdoors, LLC * India River Basins/ State/ District Boundaries and World Coastlines : India Meteorological Department, Delhi (www.imd.gov.in) Credits for following information/layers/data used in this website is dually acknowledged: * Input altimeter currents data: Near Real Time data provided by E.U. Copernicus Marine Service Information; https://doi.org/10.48670/moi-00149